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Get a price estimate now with the price calculator for ✓ Coaching ✓ Accompaniment ✓ Editing ✓ Proofreading.

Average number of hours: 2.5
Average number of hours: 2
from 5 min to several hours
approx. 18’000 characters per hour
Average hours: 3
approx. 18’000 characters per hour
Costs CHF

    You can deduct my fee from tax as continuing education costs. I charge per 5 minutes. You pay exactly the time that you take up. For ongoing support, I keep a hourly list. You will receive my invoice at the desired time: Following a single appointment or as a monthly interim invoice or as a final invoice.

    6 offers for your success


    In a one-to-one coaching session, we jointly develop the concept of your Master thesis/Bachelor thesis/dissertation: 1. your topic, 2. research objective, 3. research question, 4. methodological approach, 5. outline, 6. milestone plan, 7. a research guide, 8. a writing guide. Result: draft of your disposition / exposé. This forms the basis for your academic paper and initiates the copywriting process. 2.5-hour personal one-to-one coaching online

    CHF 437.50 (incl. VAT)

    HOW TO WRITE? - This is how! (personal instruction)

    2. HOW TO WRITE? - This is how! (personal instruction) You already have your topic and a rough outline and want to get started? In a one-to-one coaching session, I will work out with you how to proceed with your topic. I explain to you what scientific writing is really about, what makes a good writing style and how to research successfully. Anyone can write scientifically, but it takes a little practice! Result: Revised outline, personal guidance on writing and researching, milestone plan. 2-hour personal one-to-one coaching online

    CHF 350.00 (incl. VAT)

    Intermediate coaching / -Feedback

    You have already started your Master thesis/Bachelor thesis/dissertation and would like support when you need it? I would be happy to accompany you on call, e.g. by a phone call of 5 minutes, a video call of 20 minutes, or a meeting to give you interim feedback or guidance for the next step. Just contact me. I keep a timesheet for ongoing support. I charge per 5 minutes. You pay exactly for the time you use.

    CHF 175.00 per hour for individual coaching (online/by e-mail/by phone/in the coaching room in Solothurn) (incl. VAT)

    Editing per chapter

    You have already started writing and would like corrections and suggestions for improvement? I would be happy to do an intermediate proofreading for you. - A) Efficient option: I give you general feedback and show you how you can improve your text using exemplary passages. - B) Comprehensive option: I correct your text in detail (citation, spelling, grammar) and make comprehensive detailed comments and suggestions on all aspects of your work (incl. structure, line of argument, style). CHF 159.60 per hour (incl. VAT)

    CHF 159.60 per hour (incl. VAT)

    FINAL CHECK - Quality check before submission

    You are about to finish your Master thesis/Bachelor thesis/dissertation and would like to get feedback on the quality? I will support you with a professional assessment. In addition, I will provide you with important information so that you can put the finishing touches to your academic work. Feel free to contact me by email, phone or online!

    proofreading & editing

    Before submitting your Master thesis/Bachelor thesis/Diploma thesis/Dissertation, I will proofread and edit your academic work if required. I optimise the writing style used and check the citation, the bibliography and other components of your work.

    CHF 159.60 per hour (incl. VAT)

    Space to achieve your best effect.

    Would you like to know how I can best support you with your projects?

    Book an appointment now

    Book a free consultation appointment (15′) or one of my services now. I will confirm your booking request as soon as possible.